Optimization of the generation of plasma-activated medium with a high content of ozone and hydrogen peroxide for decontamination of heat-sensitive materials
Project Identification: | TJ04000329 |
Project Period: | 7/2020 – 6/2022 |
Investor / Pogramme / Project type: | Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, ZÉTA Faculty of Science, RNDr. Zlata Kelar Tučeková, PhD. |
Cooperating Organization: | ROPLASS s.r.o. |
Budget MU: | 2 954 624 CZK |
Budget Roplass: | 2 250 500 CZK |

The aim of the proposed project is the determination of parameters for efficient decontamination and/or sterilisation of thermally sensitive materials at atmospheric pressure. For this purpose, the surface dielectric barrier discharges will be used for plasma-activation of gaseous media to produce the atmosphere with a high-ratio of ozone and hydrogen peroxide. These active species are generated in the oxygen gas with an admixture of water vapour. The decontamination potential of produced plasma-activated media will be evaluated by microbiological testing. The main results of the project is a prototype of the decontamination device and verified technology for the construction of scalable commercial plasma devices (decontamination chambers) for utilization in medicine and bio-research.
The commercialisation of reducing plasma generated at atmospheric pressure for in-line industrial applications
Project No.: | TJ01000327 |
Duration: | 2018-2019 |
Funding Scheme: | TAČR Zéta |
Budget: | 125 000 EUR, ROPLASS contribution 22 000 EUR |

The aim of the project is the commercialisation of plasma technology developed recently at R&D Center for Low-Cost Plasma and Nanotechnology Surface Modifications (CEPLANT) at Masaryk University in Brno. The integration of the plasma units for treatment of surfaces in reducing environments (hydrogen and argon) and their mixtures with nitrogen will be employed for the prototype of the commercially available roll-to-roll line for applications in the area of flexible and printed electronics.
Glareal Coat
Glass modification by areal plasma for paintings or coatings
Project No.: | CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_053/0007132 |
Duration: | 2016-2019 |
Funding Scheme: | OP EIC / IraSME |
Budget: | 634.265 EUR |
Partner Consortium: | Czech Republic + Germany |

GLAREAL COAT is a consortium of companies and research organisations in Czech Republic and Germany. The project aims to investigate and develop the potential of areal atmospheric pressure plasmas for glass surface applications, e.g. homogeneous cleaning prior to coating steps, adhesion improvements of paintings in safety glasses or reduction of chemical waste in comparison to traditional wet chemical cleaning.